Past Reunions
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Julie Penoyer and Crystal Elliott
Tom Barker_Ben Neadom_Dawn Disotelle
Amy Skinner_Joe Palladino_Kim Diello_Kathy Partridge
High School Auditorium
HS Auditorium Sound Room
Reflections of Ben Neadom and Kathy Partridge in Auditorium Ticket Window
Class of 1982 National Honor Society Members
FP Sports Boosters Concession stand
Amy Skinner_Lauren Love Booster Concession Stand
FP Sports Booster President Ben Neadom and his sponsored brick pavilion
Falcons HS Gym
FP Coach Memorial Paver
High School alarm
Mark Palladino showing us how its done
Sports Boosters Pavillion Pavers
HS Music Trophy Case
HS Tennis Courts
Kathy Partridge in Guidance Office
High School hallway
Memorial Paver for Kate Cameron
Nurses Office (Joe Palladino's sister is nurse)
Jinny Matteson and Amy Skinner
Open High School Classroom
Tom Barker in weight room
Tom Nitzke_Amy Skinner
John Farewell and fiancee_ Tom Nitzke_Amy Skinner+Ben Neadom_Chris Valletta_Kathy Partridge
Happy Hour gang at sunset
The "Younger" generation--Todd Wilson joined us at Happy Hour
Display photographs in the following Albums: 10th 20th 25th 30th 40th
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